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AL’s Hickory Gal

After only 4 Weeks on Amino Boost!

Amino Boost

Why Amino Boost?
Most of us feed our horses what we believe is the best of the food possible such as grass – alfalfa mix, pure alfalfa, maybe some type of grains or just plain pasture grass. What may be missing are some of the foundational ingredients called amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks that make up proteins. When certain proteins, or amino acids, are not present or in correct balance, deficiencies in the animal’s health may occur resulting in under performance, sickness, hoof aliments, lack of appetite etc.

When adding AMINO BOOST to your feed you may be assures of a correct, balanced supply of vital amino acids.

The Best Part: 
1. No Mixing in liquid or sauces
2. Only 1/4 cup of pellets per day

a proprietary blend of vital amino acids designed to benefit equine of every stage of life and need

A Convenient Effective Delivery System!

Amino Acids Incorporated into a pellet form of organic non-GMO Alfalfa and Oats!
Just 1/4 cup on top of their normal feed!  

No Mixing, No Gels, No Sauces

There are three categories of Amino Acids, essential, non-essential and conditionally essential. The essential are those which cannot be made in the body. Non-essential are made from amino acids and other compounds in the body and do not have to be supplied by the diet. Conditionally essential are those used when their supply in the body is depleted due to circumstances such as rapid growth, illness or heavy work load. 

Sold as a 30 Day Supply
in a Convenient Sealed Bucket
$59.95 + $7 shipping